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well well well, bit of an odd game no?, looks great, sound design is great, and animations we're *mmm* delicious. game made me feel really short, overall great stuff. and complimentary youtube plug, i know shameful

Good game, enjoyed the puzzles and a pretty creepy monster with some decent jumpscares. Keep up the good work.

Enjoyed my time with the game, well done!


Brincar na rua sempre é algo divertido para crianças, mas as vezes, você nunca mais pode voltar pra casa e ninguém vai saber o que aconteceu com você

Mas, se você ainda está pensando em sair de casa hoje, veja isto:


Thank you !

Class horror Game -  Definitely loved the puzzle and story entwined! Amazing work!

Thank you very much for your feedback !

that was great, well done!

Thank you for your video !

I never been so invested in a game, I would love to see more of th


Thank you very much !!

nice little horror game, i have play it at a lets play in two parts because maybe the code for the phone wasnt working first time you can find it on my youtube channel Kiki0231

Thank you ! We are sorry for the inconvenience.

was ok in my second try the code was work, dont know what happening first time but it was a very nice horror game, this game has a good story, a little short but with nice jumpscares, by the way, i like the puppet room.

I loved this game. The whole fairy tale vibe of it was amazing

Thank you very much for your feedback !

This game was awesome. The atmosphere was spot on and it was eerie all the way through, keeping me on edge the whole time. The story is interesting and very dark which I love, and I really look forward to seeing  more games in the future. Great work! 


Thank you very much !

really like the atmosphere in this one... the monster, not so much (wasn't very friendly) 


Thank your for your feedback and your video !

it was really good, amazing work. I was wondering you'll expand the lore in the next update

Thank you ! Unfortunately the game will not have any major changes

I don't know why i read it as french

Amazing Job! I loved this!

Thank you very much !

STUNNING game!! It was short but I am going to remember it for a long, long time. Incredible visuals and sound, and an environment that made me SO edgy and tense in good ways that reflect how great psyhorror games should be. Absolutely brilliant!

One VERY tiny thing: as the BGM would loop, there was a pretty noticeable popping sound. In no way did it sour my experience, but it was one of those things I noticed every time. Not sure if it can be fixed, but I thought I would call it out.

With that said, the music was BEAUTIFUL, I'd love to know if there's a soundtrack I can obtain!

A+, 10/10, 100% recommend to all!!

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for your feedback and advice! Your support is precious ! Unfortunately we don’t have a soundtrack.

Buenas noches, amiguitos del
Es de mi agrado informarles que este juego de terror es una joyita escondida.

Es una historia cruel y trágica, me gustaron los acertijos que fueron bastante intuitivos y sencillos, para mantener el ritmo del juego, el monstruo puede que no sea la gran cosa, pero me gustó la forma en que juega contigo, me recuerda a este famoso libro y su famoso personaje ESO, el payaso. Un ser que siempre esta a un paso delante de ti, y yo pude sentir que este ser siempre estuvo jugando conmigo, desde el momento en que puse pie en ese extraño lugar... supe que no habría marcha atrás.

He jugado muchos juegos de terror, he sufrido con los clichés, los jumpscares mal timeados e historias bastantes sosas, pero este juego me ha de vuelto la esperanza... de que allá hay desarrolladores haciendo buenos juegos de terror.

Me gustó mucho el juego, la historia es bastante triste.

Thank you very much for your comment, we're very happy you enjoyed the game!

Oh my god this GAME. I have not felt so involved in a games story in a long time, and this was SO well done. I don't know if it was inspiration or not, but the style really reminded me of my favorite horror game, Layers of Fear, except this was its own LEVEL. The atmosphere was built beautifully, the sound was amazing, and the creature was terrifying. I would absolutely pay money to see a fuller longer version of this game, the little puzzles and story telling is just phenomenal, and I feel like I appreciate little details so much more in this game. Thank you so much for making this, it was SO MUCH fun to play!! 

Yes, it was one of our inspirations and we're delighted you enjoyed the game! Thank you very much for this enthusiasm

Of course!! It's just so not common  to find a horror game that itches just the right spot of my favorite elements in a game :P

Ancienne adepte de jeux d'horreur indés, ça faisait un moment que j'avais pas joué à un jeu aussi joli, les graphismes sont superbes, la lumière et l'ambiance sont très réussis. Un lore qui m'a rappelé de bons souvenirs passés sur Among The Sleep et devant Mr. Babadook, c'était vraiment cool ! GG à la team, c'est un super projet.

Merci beaucoup ! C’est un grand soutien pour nous ! 

Amazing Game 

Thank you very much !

Good horror

Thank you for your video !

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